Swiss 5 Stars
Professional Hospitality Services
...our job is to make yours easier...
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Welcome to Swiss 5 Stars

Hospitality Services
The Hospitality Services with Professional Competence and Expertise

What do we do?
We will train your staff to become in no time a professional, organize and attentive using efficient traning methods taught by professional lecturer with our over 35 years hospitality experience.

Staff will learn the hospitality business essentials skills, etiquette, manners and their job functions chronological and professional. A passed test with a minimum score of 80% results in a printed "Certificate of Achievement'" which let management know the new staff member has actually learned the necessary skills required to work on the floor.

The cost of self- staff training
The cost of training new staff is high. The actual dollars spent on training staff, extra staff needed in the beginning to be working along beginners to handle the volume, and the time needed to instill the necessary knowledge and skills to retain customers, are very costly. And speaking of retaining your customers - training your new staff in front of your customers usually results in poor service which leads to lost business.

  • Labor cost can achieve over 40 % of sales return especially when training new staff

  • The biggest challenges for restaurants operations is recruiting, keeping high quality service and high staff turnover

  • Usually the staff is young and inexperienced, and is only doing this job as stepping stone to another career

  • Creating and maintaining internal trainings are expensive and most of the time lack of time or inappropriate timing

Why we reccomend our training?
Most restaurant operations use training manuals that are handed out to new employees. The manuals are too long and most employees don’t read them entirely, and even if they do, their content often is not really understood because it contains too many unnecessary information . The new staff start their shift and are instructed to follow someone around for a shift maybe two, then have to work on their own. Gradually, over the next 1 to 3 months they will learn how the service cycle and customer service work. Is this an effective way to train? Not really, since those first 3 months are lost value.

This alone can result in a big gap between management's expectations and an individuals actual ability.
With our courses, employees undergo a test after each course. When passed, the learners receive a Certificate of Achievement indicating they retained the knowledge. This helps reduce the assumption of what the employee may or may not know, giving management more confidence in their hiring decisions.

What are the benefits of our Training?

  • You will be assured that your staff  will learn the professional knowledge needed to serve and pampering your customers.

  • Have newly hired staff become effective in their jobs in days, not months.

  • Reduce training costs by having staff train themselves.

  • Increase your staffs overall service level and professionalism.

  • You don't need assume the staff knows how to do their job or interact with your guests, because thanks to our training they do.

  • New staff will be motivated to learn and gain personal confidence and the respect of management and their peers.

  • They will know what questions to ask to accelerate their learning while on the job.

  • They will understand the skills and service tricks of senior staff and be able to apply it from day one.

The Result?
The result will be a high powered staff with service levels exceeding your expectations and most importantly, the expectations of your guests.

What are the cost?
Our courses are affordable and can be purchased in quantity or individually and by role.  To get estimate costs, please call or contact us at your convenience. We will advise you on the best package for your needs and will provide individual prices.

Did we sparks your interested in learning more about our services? Contact us today and we will be pleased to answer your questions.
Yes, we can help you!

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