Swiss 5 Stars
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Our Courses
Our Wine Courses

Our efficient Wine courses focus on demystifying the world of wine (and food!). We make the world's most popular and classic wine styles easy to understand, taste and explore. In a relaxed, non-snobby setting, we offer three course lengths for various interests and schedules. Next class sessions: Contact

Choose 2-, 4- or 6-evenings for more details:

Just The Grapes! -
Wine Tasting Course - 2 Evenings
The fastest way to find new wines you'll like. Learn to taste and compare the Terrific 10 famous global grapes.
US$ 100.00  per evening

Quick Wine Course - 4 Evenings
Discover new styles: how regions, climates and winemaking techniques create different wines from the same classic grapes. After this, you'll "get" wine forever!
US$ 90.00  per evening

Wine Appreciation Course - 6 Evenings
Demystify the world of wine! Complete tasting exploration from traditional to modern styles from the world's greatest winemaking regions.
US$ 85.00 per evening

+41 79 784 6093
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